it is considered the stone of women, its magical remedial powers related to women's issues such as, reduces the menstrual pain, enhances fertility, makes pregnancy and delivery trouble free and removes the troubling effects of menopause,also affects hormones and immune system positively...
This stone quickly releases stress, bringing deep peace,it is harmonizes the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels,Imbalances between these levels can result in depression, and lack of purpose...
Wearing Coral is very helpful to decrease the in-auspiciousness of Manglik Dosh in horoscope (kundali), Wearing this gemstone carries energy, ambition, blood circulation, vitality and physical strength...
It enhances the power of moon, which signifies softness, charming eyes, love, family life, steady mind, if person suffering with tensed mind, indecisiveness, depression and instability in life is advised to wear pearl stone...
it helps to cure and fight bone cancer, kidney trouble, nerve disease and paralysis,it will bring the wearer wealth, fame, a good name, health, happiness, prosperity, a long life, mental peace, and good children...